I used to be a Louis Vuitton addict for a long time. I remember that my first Louis Vuitton bag was purchased in 1998 while I was studying in the UK. Since then I can not be stopped in adding my LV collection that at one point of time I had a significant number of Louis Vuitton bags and small leather goods. However as I (easily) get bored with all those monogrammed bags, I gradually let go of my Louis Vuitton bags and wallets, until those shown on the photo are the remaining. So now I have zero or nil Louis Vuitton bags and I intend to keep only these few items of small leather goods.
But, maybe one day I would go back to my old habit... i.e. start collecting handbags from Louis Vuitton. Well, who knows... because I rather believe in an old proverb saying that 'old habits are hard to break' LOL
Please check here for my past Louis Vuitton collection.
ReplyDeletegot the exactly the same purple epi wallet like urs! :)
alice FD :)