
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

YSL and BV End of Season Sale

YSL Easy Bag in Electric Blue

Bottega Veneta Sandal in Magma

YSL Easy Bag and Bottega Veneta Sandal

The sale season has just been begun.
Started by Longchamp Sale last week, and followed by BV and YSL sale event this week. Unfortunately, these 2 are my favourite brands. So, I must visit the store during the sale.

I was initially hoping to get a pair of BV sandal in assenzio green. But my size was not available. So I secured myself for the one in magma with 30% discount. This sandal will be a perfect match for my Magma Large Belly bag. Yay!

Happy with BV finding, I made a quick stop at YSL store which was only 20 meters away from BV store. I really intended for a 'quick stop', which means no shopping at YSL. But when I entered the store, I was 'greeted' by this electric blue Easy Bag and I was hypnotized. I still looked around for other bags like Roady and Muse. But the blue bag was calling my name. So, I went home with it after paying 30% less from the retail price. Another Yay!

1 comment:

  1. 穏やかなブランドセンスが溢れ、女性らしい優雅さと気高さを十分にアピールするボッテガ トート!王道の職人技イントレチャートの魅力を最大限にアピールするボッテガ バッグ新作人気アイテムが周りから大好評を得ています!デザインはもちろんの事、機能性や収納力などにもこだわり満載!!絶対優雅さ薫る至高のイントレスタイル!完売必至!
